Will you guarantee admission to the college of my choice?

No, the competitive nature of college admissions makes it impossible to guarantee outcomes. However, with thoughtful consideration and professional planning, CCAC can find great-fit schools where you can thrive, have the college experience you desire, and achieve success.

How do I pick which schools to apply to? All my friends are applying to the same schools. Should I apply to those as well?

Curating a list of schools should be a very personal process. Students have different needs, wants, and qualifications that determine which schools will provide a good fit. At CCAC, we will focus on identifying many factors and compare those to what colleges offer to ensure you get the most out of your college experience.

Do I have to take the SAT/ACT?

Not necessarily. While some schools have re-implemented their requirement for standardized test scores, many schools have not. For instance, none of the California public universities consider test scores in their admission decision, and many other colleges and universities around the country have maintained their test-optional policy adopted during the COVID-19 epidemic. Some schools use test scores for placement purposes while others will consider them in the application process.

Are private colleges and universities always more expensive to attend than public ones?

No, often private schools discount tuition and provide scholarships, making the cost of admission less than at a large public university. Since enrollment is down at private universities, they have a vested interest in attracting students and providing incentives for them to commit.

When is the right time to hire a college counselor?

While many consider hiring a college counselor during the summer before senior year, waiting this long can mean your search process is rushed and you miss out on many of the benefits a college counselor can deliver, such as strategic high school course selection, consultation on extracurricular activities and summer programs, advice on sports and arts participation, guided interest and career exploration, and more. Some parents find counselors as early as freshman year if AP classes are a potential for their students. Most people hire counselors during sophomore and junior year to get the most out of their college counseling experience.

Hiring a college counselor is too expensive.

False. While some large online companies do charge a small fortune for counseling services, Creative College Admission Counseling is affordable and comprehensive. Our services are designed to be accessible to everyone while providing elite, personalized consultation in a friendly and professional approach.